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Angular Material - How to add a tooltip to a disabled button

I've noticed that the directive matTooltip doesn't work on a disabled button. How can I achieve it?


<button mat-raised-button [disabled]="true" matTooltip="You cannot delete that">

For an enabled button it works perfectly:

<button mat-raised-button [disabled]="false" matTooltip="You cannot delete that">


  • This doesn't work because it is triggered by mouseenter event which doesn't get fired by most browsers for disabled elements. A workaround is to add matTooltip to a parent element:

    <div matTooltip="You cannot delete that" [matTooltipDisabled]="!isButtonDisabled()">
        <button mat-raised-button [disabled]="isButtonDisabled()">

    The example above assumes that there is a method for determining if the button should be enabled or not. By using matTooltipDisabled the tooltip will be shown only if the button is disabled.
