I have sValA = 10/140/000
Need inserting 10/140/000 as text in a right-to-left document.
When I performs below
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("Temp_GrandTotal").Range.Text = sValA
It returns 000/140/10
Any helps are appreciated.
You can add a UDF to swap the parts by a swap character. Then call it like:
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("Temp_GrandTotal").Range.Text = SwapParts(sValA,"\")
UDF code:
Option Explicit
Function SwapParts(ByVal sText As String, ByVal SwapChar As String) As String
Dim oItems As Variant, oItem As Variant, sOutput As String
oItems = Split(sText, SwapChar)
For Each oItem In oItems
If Len(sOutput) > 0 Then sOutput = SwapChar & sOutput
sOutput = oItem & sOutput
Next oItem
SwapParts = sOutput
End Function