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Neoload SQL ODBC database configuration

i have the task to connect NeoLoad to an ODBC oracle database for getting actual test data variables. My approach is to import a new variable type SQL and select Oracle as the driver and put in all the details i have.

When filling in the database configuration, i get the error

ORA-12505 TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

...which means, i miss the correct connection details. In this case, i only have a service name given and no SID.

connection_string_lt = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};CONNECTSTRING=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(;uid=user;pwd=pwd"

When trying to get around this by selecting a custom database configuration, NeoLoad wants me to put a driver class and an URL. However, i had difficulties to find the correct connection URL as it does not match with the connection data i have as well as the driver class, which i don't know where to get from (should i ask the database administrator ?).

Could somebody support me with how the input should look like for this ? Thanks in advance.


  • Neoload has its own "SQL Connection" action which helps to connect with database and execute queries. To connect with Oracle it requires connection URL which can be in below format. jdbc:oracle:thin:@//Hostname:1521/servicename

    Username and Password of the Schema you need to access needs to be provided in required space.

    Screenshot for connection