I managed to setup my app with a search based on acts_as_ferret. Overall it works fine. But I can't find results for words with umlauts (e. g. “Getränke”).
I added this to my environment.rb and rebuilt the index from scratch, but no better results.
Ferret.locale = "de_DE.UTF-8"
I double checked my database table, but I think this should be perfect:
BTW: The data is displayed fine in the database table (viewed with Sequel Pro).
Then I opened the index file with Textmate to search for the entry with “Getränke” and I fugured, the TextMate opened it with Mac Roman encoding and display the Umlaut like this
I reopened the index file with UTF-8 encoding, but then the strange charackters are displayed as rectangles with questionmarks.
How can I find results by searching words with German umlauts?
This did the trick
$KCODE = 'u'
ENV['LANG'] = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Ferret.locale = "de_DE.UTF-8"
encoding: utf8