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Karate API Testing Running Tests from Command Line

I see this example

mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags ~@ignore" -Dtest=AnimalsTest

How do i pass feature file name directly in command line.

Something like :

mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--features=classpath:com/test/graphql/features/Scenario1.feature" -Dtest=com.graphql.ApiTest;


  • Since you are using a Java JUnit runner in this case, add a @CucumberOptions annotation to the JUnit class and that is the recommended way to do what you want.

    @CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:com/test/graphql/features/Scenario1.feature")
    public class AnimalsTest {

    EDIT - Karate no longer uses annotations for running tests, use the Java Runner API: