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Retro-actively add Java annotations to methods?

Is there a way to modify .class files in order to add Java annotations to certain methods? Basically I want to traverse methods of each class file in a jar file and annotate certain ones. Note that this is not at run-time while using the jar file. Rather, after I'm done I want to have modified class files with the annotations.

I do have access to the source code, so if there's an automatic source code modifier, that would work as well...

I'm assuming I'll need a tool such as Javassist or ASM. If so, which one should I use and how would I go about it?


  • Googling for an hour or so turned this article up which seems to completely answer my question: use ASM. To write class files using the changed bytecode, use ClassWriter.

    Well, time to get to work then, I guess. :)