I'm using the gradle SSH plugin to copy a docker file to a target host. It defaults to SFTP but I'd prefer to use SCP. The documentation does not provide a clear example of how to do this and it's late and I'm tired and...
So anyway, here's what is working for me with SFTP:
ssh.run {
session(remotes.my_host) {
put from:"${dockerImageArchive}", into:"/tmp"
Here's what the docs say I need to do to switch to SCP:
I'm pretty new to gradle and I don't understand how I'm supposed to supply this parameter. Can someone spell it out for me? :)
FWIW I've tried this
ssh.run {
session(remotes.my_host) {
put from:"${dockerImageArchive}", into:"/tmp", fileTransfer:"scp"
Hmmm, turns out this was waaay easier than I expected. I needed to add this to my build.gradle (could have also been added somewhere else in the inheritance hierarchy)
ssh.settings {
fileTransfer = 'scp'