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Spring rest template with aws x-ray

I would like to trace calls between spring micro services deployed as aws lambdas using aws x-ray.

The set up is as follows:

  1. Microservice A with api endpoint deployed as aws lambda

  2. Microservice B with api endpoint deployed as aws lambda calling microservice A via https

Both microservices include the aws dependencies for xray:



For both microservices, tracing has been enabled via the serverless application model sam.yaml file:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: example.HandlerA::handleRequest
      Runtime: java8
      CodeUri: target/foo.jar
      MemorySize: 512
      Tracing: Active
        - AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
        - AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess 
      Timeout: 20
          Type: Api
            Path: /{proxy+}
            Method: any

While I can see the traces for the individual calls for the services A and B in the x-ray web interface, a call of B over A does not appear as a compound trace.

Any ideas? Probably I need to instantiate a servlet filter. Just including the dependencies will not be enough, correct?


  • At this time, Amazon API Gateway is not propagating x-amzn-trace-id headers.

    It sounds as if your AWS Lambda functions may be deployed behind API Gateway endpoints. Because of this limitation in API Gateway's integration with AWS X-Ray, tracing this operation as one continuous trace will not be possible today.

    One approach for tracing this operation in a single continuous trace is having microservice B invoke microservice A directly using the AWS Lambda Invoke API. This API does respect the x-amzn-trace-id header (which would be automatically added to the Invoke request, as you've included the aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-instrumentor artifact in your project).