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React - Dynamically Import Components

I have a page which renders different components based on user input. At the moment, I have hard coded the imports for each component as shown below:

    import React, { Component } from 'react'
    import Component1 from './Component1'
    import Component2 from './Component2'
    import Component3 from './Component3'

    class Main extends Component {
        render() {
            var components = {
                'Component1': Component1,
                'Component2': Component2,
                'Component3': Component3
            var type = 'Component1';  // just an example
            var MyComponent = Components[type];
            return <MyComponent />

    export default Main

However, I change/add components all the time. Is there a way to perhaps have a file which stores ONLY the names and paths of the components and these are then imported dynamically in another file?


  • I think there may have been some confusion as to what I was trying to achieve. I managed to solve the issue I was having and have shown my code below which shows how I solved it.

    Separate File (ComponentIndex.js):

        let Components = {};
        Components['Component1'] = require('./Component1').default;
        Components['Component2'] = require('./Component2').default;
        Components['Component3'] = require('./Component3').default;
        export default Components

    Main File (Main.js):

        import React, { Component } from 'react';
        import Components from './ComponentIndex';
        class Main extends Component {
            render () {
                var type = 'Component1'; // example variable - will change from user input
                const ComponentToRender = Components[type];
                return <ComponentToRender/>
        export default Main

    This method allows me to add/remove components very quickly as the imports are in one file and only requires changing one line at a time.