i want to assign the subparser values to a variable like 'rport' so when the user call argument with value like
python example.py -sock connectmode -rport 10000
the rport variable take the 10000 int value but that code return error in the last line in 'rport = '
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'rport'
notes : the subparsers is for a function is called 'socketfunc' i wanted them to be a subargs for '-sock' argument when i execute : 'python example.py -sock connectmode -h return the secondary_parser args [!]another note : the rport and rhost variables is global to make their values available to all functions
any help ! and thanks.
the code is :
import argparse
import socket
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog='\tExample: \r\npython ' + sys.argv[0])
parser.error = parser_error
parser._optionals.title = "OPTIONS"
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Specify secondary options')
global rport , rhost
secondary_parser = subparsers.add_parser('connectmode', help='sock argument connectmode')
listenmode_parser = subparsers.add_parser('listenmode',help='sock argument listenmode')
parser.add_argument('-sock','--socket',help="tcp socket functions [!] support only ipv4 for now",action="store_true")
secondary_parser.add_argument('-rport','--remoteport',help="destination port to connect to",required=True,action='store')
secondary_parser.add_argument("-rhost",'--destination',help="destination host ip addr",required=True,action='store')
args = parser.parse_args()
rport = args.rport
It's hard to figure out what you want. The description is poorly formated and rambling. But I'll try to explain what your code is doing.
Simplified a bit:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser._optionals.title = "OPTIONS"
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Specify secondary options')
global rport , rhost
secondary_parser = subparsers.add_parser('connectmode', help='sock argument connectmode')
listenmode_parser = subparsers.add_parser('listenmode',help='sock argument listenmode')
args = parser.parse_args()
With the connectmode
1027:~/mypy$ python3 stack48264081.py -sock connectmode -rport 10000
usage: stack48264081.py connectmode [-h] -rport REMOTEPORT -rhost DESTINATION
stack48264081.py connectmode: error: the following arguments are required: -rhost/--destination
Why? Because you defined -rhost
as a required argument for the connectmode
subparser. If I provide both:
1031:~/mypy$ python3 stack48264081.py -sock connectmode -rport 10000 -rhost foo
Namespace(destination='foo', func='secondary', remoteport='10000', socket=True)
In this case args.remoteport
would work. args.rport
would not, because the dest
is taken from the long name, --
, not the short one.
1034:~/mypy$ python3 stack48264081.py listenmode
Namespace(func='listen', socket=False)
would not work here because that argument is not defined for this subparser.
is a simple True/False argument, and has nothing to do with the subparsers.