I have been breaking my head long enough to do this extremely simple thing but am unable to figure out how. I am trying to work this out in PowerShell.
$arrIncidentID = $IncidentID -split '~'
$SysID = "d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d~7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec"
$arrSystemID = $SysID -split '~'
if ($arrIncidentID.Length -eq $arrSystemID.Length) {
for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrIncidentID.length; $i++) {
"The Incident ID is $arrIncidentID[$i] "
"The URL is $arrSystemID[$i]"
The result I get is
The Incident ID is INC0010164 INC0010165[0] The URL is d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec[0] The Incident ID is INC0010164 INC0010165[1] The URL is d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec[1]
However, the format I am keen on is as below:
Incident ID 1: - INC0010164 SystemID 1: - d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d Incident ID 2: - INC0010165 SystemID 2: - 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec
This answer is intended to get your code functional and help you understand why it isn't working.
Understanding the error
Using a variable in a string and having it replace by its value is called string interpolation. In PowerShell, interpolating variables themselves is easy. You can also interpolate statements, but you need a little different syntax (which is $()
$arrIncidentID = $IncidentID -split '~'
$SysID = "d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d~7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec"
$arrSystemID = $SysID -split '~'
if ($arrIncidentID.Length -eq $arrSystemID.Length) {
for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrIncidentID.length; $i++) {
"The Incident ID is $($arrIncidentID[$i]) "
"The URL is $($arrSystemID[$i])"
The new result is:
The Incident ID is INC0010164 The URL is d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d The Incident ID is INC0010165 The URL is 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec
Better output
So to get the final output you wanted, you could slightly adjust your code to:
$arrIncidentID = $IncidentID -split '~'
$SysID = "d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d~7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec"
$arrSystemID = $SysID -split '~'
if ($arrIncidentID.Length -eq $arrSystemID.Length) {
for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrIncidentID.length; $i++) {
"Incident ID $($i+1): - $($arrIncidentID[$i]) "
"SystemID $($i+1): - $($arrSystemID[$i])"
Incident ID 1: - INC0010164 SystemID 1: - d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d Incident ID 2: - INC0010165 SystemID 2: - 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec
The PowerShell Way
You should consider doing this in a more PowerShell way to make it easier to reuse the output:
$arrIncidentID = $IncidentID -split '~'
$SysID = "d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d~7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec"
$arrSystemID = $SysID -split '~'
if ($arrIncidentID.Length -eq $arrSystemID.Length) {
for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrIncidentID.length; $i++) {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
IncidentID = $arrIncidentID[$i]
SystemID = $arrSystemID[$i]
IncidentID SystemID ---------- -------- INC0010164 d80fd7e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf96195d INC0010165 7f0f97e2dbab4300479a7e7dbf9619ec
These are now objects that you can reference by property names.