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Accesing variables in ascx.cs to use them in .ascx webpart

I have a variable declared in "Mapas.ascx.cs" and I want to use it at "Mapas.ascx", but I don't know how to do it. (I'm using sharepoint2013)

My variable was declared like that:

    public string apiKey, direccion;

And the code where I want to use it is that:

<iframe width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src=""DIRECCIONVARIABLE"&key="APIKEYVARIABLE" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyone can helps me? Thanks a lot!


  • If you want call method or property in .ascx design code, you should define them as public static,

    public static string ApiKey
            return "Name";
    public static string DoSomething()
        //Code here
        return "What you expected";

    then in aspx design code:

     <span><%= yourClassName.DoSomething()%> </span>
     <span><%= YourClassName.ApiKey %> </span>

    UPDATE: For example you have something like:

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ClassName.ascx.cs" Inherits="YourNameSpace.X.Z.ClassName" %>

    in your ascx design code in top of the page , so if you can't access them by ClassName.ApiKey then write the namespace like YourNameSpace.X.Z.ClassName.

    Rebuilt your solution also.