I'm trying to run GoCD on MacOS (10.12) for testing purposes. When I run both the server and the client apps, they do not provide any GUI output (they should show progress bars or a host configuration) and they quit a couple of seconds after starting.
When I try to run the apps from Terminal as:
/Applications/Go\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/go-server
I get the following output:
Got directory: /Users/taatyyu1/Library/Application Support/Go Server [It exists]
and then the app quits.
How can I discover what is the issue of the apps not starting properly?
The logs of the apps are available in
~/Library/Application\ Support/Go\ Server/osx-app.log
~/Library/Application\ Support/Go\ Agent/osx-app.log
They contain the information from apps starting up and you can use them to figure out what goes wrong