I have downloaded the adafruit Motor Hat Demo for windows IOT.
The code calls GetMotor(3) which I assume is supposed to activate the motor connected the the connections labeled "M3"?
However it actually activates the motor connections labeled "M1"...
Is anyone else getting this behaviour?
It appears that no matter what motor I set via GetMotor(x) both M1 and M2 are activated and will both obviously run the motor while neither M3 or M4 ever work.
Thinking that it might have been a faulty motor hat or some dodgy soldering by myself, I tested a second motor hat and it does exactly the same thing.
This is now fixed. It seems to have been an issue with Windows IOT.
I re-flashed the sd card although with the same version of windows iot that was previously on it (this was the latest version). The PI then installed a windows update. The motor hat now works perfectly.
I have no idea if the issue was with the previous windows installation being corrupt or if the update fixed something. But either way everything now works fine.
However I still need to test to see if they fixed the windows IOT wifi bug that stopped the raspberry pi from automatically connecting the network after a reboot...