I have the below JAPE file for ANNIE in which I am trying to ensure that establishments names which contain only numeric characters do not get annotated.
I have tried many variations of the below but do not seem to be able to get it to work.
Input: Lookup Token
Options: control = appelt
Rule: EstablishmentNonNumeric
Priority: 100
//do not tag establishment names which contain only numbers as this is just weird
({Lookup.majorType == "establishment", Lookup.kind == number})
): temp
{ }
Rule: Establishment
{Lookup.majorType == "establishment"}
): temp
:temp.Establishment ={rule= "EstablishmentRule" }
I have a feeling it may be to do with the control setting but I am not really sure.
Many thanks!
My guess is that you meant:
Token.kind == number
instead of:
Lookup.kind == number