I'm trying to exclude test classes from my final WAR file with Maven. Normally it should be done by default if my tests are in src/test/java but it is not doing it in my case. Test classes are compiled in folder WEB-INF\test-classes\ So I added following plugin in pom.xml
But even with that, my test classes are still included in the .war file at the end Does anyone have a workaround or can explain me what I'm missing ? Thanks
UPDATE : plugins that i use in my pom.xml
<!-- fix clean issue where duplicated entries of pom are created-->
<!-- toolchain plugin to use specific JDK
<!-- <forceJavacCompilerUse>true</forceJavacCompilerUse>-->
<!-- OPENJPA -->
Well problem was I used maven package
goal which did not include integration test. Running mvn install
solved my problem ! Thanks