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How to add the last_login_ip, when the user login if using `rest-auth`?

How to add the last_login_ip, when the user login if using rest-auth?

Befor ask the post I searched one post bellow:

How can I do my logic in `` of `django-rest-auth`?

The answer is perfect for custom verify the login params.

But, how about after login, then add attribute to the User?

I mean, the answer is just for verify the data, I want to after user login success, I want to add the last_login_ip to the user instance.


Please be attention, I know how to get the remote IP who visit my site. I mean I use the rest-auth to login, and customized LoginSerializer like the link. The link is for verify the login data, I can not to change the last_login_ip data in the LoginSerializer, I want when the user login success, then change the user's last_login_ip. but where to write my change last_login_ip code?


I follow the @at14's advice, in the (as the same level as

default_app_config = '管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage.apps.QiyunAdminUsermanageConfig'

and in the

from django.apps import AppConfig

class QiyunAdminUsermanageConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'qiyun_admin_usermanage'

    def ready(self):
        import 管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage.api.signals

There will get bellow error:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot import 'qiyun_admin_usermanage'. Check that '管理员后台.用户管理' is correct.

and I also tried to comment the default_app_config = '管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage.apps.QiyunAdminUsermanageConfig' in the, but still not work.


  • Use django's user logged in signal to save this information into the database.


    from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_in
    from django.dispatch import receiver
    def user_logged_in_callback(sender, user, request, **kwargs):
       // Get the IP Address and save it

    Read more about signals here. Do pay attention on how to import signals in your app ready method

    Make an (it might already exist) in your app directory,

    from django.apps import AppConfig
    class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
        name = '管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage'
        def ready(self):
            import 管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage.api.signals  # noqa

    In your apps file,

    default_app_config = '管理员后台.用户管理.qiyun_admin_usermanage.apps.QiyunAdminUsermanageConfig'