I'm using Rails 5 with minitest. How do I know, in my test file, what the ID of one of my the items in my fixtures file is? I have the following schema
create_table "lines", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "route_long_name"
t.string "name"
t.integer "system_type"
t.string "color"
t.string "onestop_id"
t.string "vehicle_type"
t.string "wheelchair_accessible"
t.string "bikes_allowed"
t.index ["onestop_id"], name: "index_lines_on_onestop_id"
t.index ["route_long_name"], name: "index_lines_on_route_long_name"
Then in my test/fixtures/lines.yml, I create this fixture
id: "1"
name: "line1"
color: "green"
So in my minitest test, I try this
test "get show page with valid line id" do
test_line_id = "1"
line = Line.find_by_id(test_line_id)
puts "inspect1: #{line.inspect}"
assert_not_nil line
get line_url(line)
line = assigns(:line)
puts "inspect2 #{line.inspect}"
assert_equal test_line_id, line.id
assert_response :success
But the line
assert_equal test_line_id, line.id
dies with teh error
Expected: "1"
Actual: "980190962"
So how do I figure out the ID of teh item in my fixtures file?
You don't need to do it that way.
If all you want is to make sure you are getting the URL for a valid line... then you can just get any line at all. You don't need to get it by id eg:
test "get show page with valid line id" do
# Get any line - it doesn't matter which
line = Line.first
assert_not_nil line
get line_url(line)
line = assigns(:line)
assert_equal test_line_id, line.id
assert_response :success