I have two Abstract Classes which own each other a pointer of the other one. I need to use in one of them an enum of the other Class, like shown in the example. AFoo is holding ABar, and ABar need a pointer to AFoo to update some data and also a member function that going to use the AFoo enum.
I remember having this problem once but not with enum and I ended up doing inline declaration.
I could do a nested class, but is there another way to avoid that?
AFoo.hpp :
#include ...
class AFoo;
enum AFoo::poo; --> not possible
#include "ABar.hpp"
class AFoo {
virtual void func() = O;
enum poo {
ABar *bar_;
#include ...
class Abar;
#include "AFoo.hpp"
class ABar {
virtual AFoo::poo doing_some_stuff() = 0; --> Here is my problem (if I replace the return type with basic type I have no compilation problem)
AFoo *foo_;
In AFoo.hpp, don't include ABar.hpp, only forward declare the class:
class ABar;
Also, in ABar.hpp, include AFoo.hpp and don't forward ABar
or AFoo