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Expecting type void, Syntax error near "process" with transport delay code - vhdl error transport

I'm new to FPGA and I'm trying to code a simple demo with transport delay. but I got the following errors:

1.ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "../PGAND2.vhd" Line 54: Syntax error near "process".
2.ERROR:HDLCompiler:841 - "../PGAND2.vhd" Line 55: Expecting type  void for <behavioral>.

I'm confused about this and I can't solve this. Could you please give me some tips to solve this, thanks a lot! Here is my code:

library IEEE;

entity PGAND2 is
    generic( trise : TIME := 1ns ;
            tfall : TIME := 1ns ) ;
    port(   a0 : in std_logic ;
        a1 : in std_logic ;
        z0 : out std_logic ) ;
end PGAND2;

architecture Behavioral of PGAND2 is

process ( a1, a0) 
    variable zdf :std_logic ;
        zdf := a1 AND a0 ;
        if zdf = '1' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after trise ;
        else if zdf = '0' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after tfall ;
            z0 <= transport zdf ;
    end if ;
    end process ;
end Behavioral;

The environment is ISE 14.7 on Windows 10. Thanks a lot!


  • The if then else statement format in VHDL like below:

    if [condition] then 
    end if;

    And then else if statement is not elsif so else if statement itself needs end if keyword.

    You should use elsif keyword or else if ... then ... end if statement.

    The correct code for your description is :

    process( a1, a0) 
        variable zdf :std_logic ;
        zdf := a1 AND a0 ;
        if zdf = '1' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after trise ;
        elsif zdf = '0' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after tfall ;
            z0 <= transport zdf ;
        end if ;
    end process ;


    process( a1, a0) 
        variable zdf :std_logic ;
        zdf := a1 AND a0 ;
        if zdf = '1' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after trise ;
        else if zdf = '0' then
            z0 <= transport zdf after tfall ;
            end if;
            z0 <= transport zdf ;
        end if ;
    end process ;