So i got this assignment where i'm supposed to create a palindrome detector and make a simple interface using tkinter. We also have to remove specifik characters and replace them with a blankspace. I also want to add that we are not allowed to use isalnum() Now the problem is the following:
File "Documents/", line 71, in result
File "Documents/", line 62, in turn
i = len(user_input)
NameError: name 'user_input' is not defined
I'm really new when it comes to python so i'm not really good at it, but after hours of getting nowhere i'm asking for help. This is my code so far...
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox
def main():
def settings():
main_window = tkinter.Tk()
top_frame = tkinter.Frame()
mid_frame = tkinter.Frame()
bottom_frame = tkinter.Frame()
global label1
label1 = tkinter.Label(top_frame, text = "Skriv in ett palindrom nedan
för att testa det!",
bg = "green", width = 60, height = 6)
global button1
button1 = tkinter.Button(mid_frame, text = "Testa palindrom", height =
3, width = 22, command = result)
global button2
button2 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text ="Spara palindrom", height
= 3, width = 22, command = save)
global button3
button3 = tkinter.Button(bottom_frame, text ="Avsluta programmet",
height = 3, width = 22, command=main_window.destroy)
global palindromentry
palindromentry = tkinter.Entry(mid_frame, width = 67)
def entry():
not_valid = " -,.!?:;'+()/" #The not accepted characters
user_input = palindromentry.get()
while i < len(not_valid):
user_input = user_input.replace( not_valid[i], "")
i = i + 1
global backward_string
backward_string = ""
def turn():
i = len(user_input)
while i > 0:
backward_string += user_input[i-1]
i -=1
if user_input == backward_string:
equal = True
def result():
feedback_string = ""
if (user_input == backward_string):
label1.config(text="Ja, detta är ett palindrom!", bg="green") #when
it's a palindrome
elif (user_input != backward_string):
label1.config(text="Det är inte en palindrom!", bg="red") #message
when it's not a palindrome
label1.config(text="Hoppsan nu har något gått fel!")
def save():
if (user_input == backward_string):
my_palindrome = open("palindrom.txt", "a") # if it's a
palindrome you should be able to save it.
my_palindrome.write(user_input + "\n")
label1.config(text="Palindrom har sparats!")
elif (user_input != backward_string):
label1.config(text="Det gick inte att spara, måste vara en
palindrom!")# you can't save it when it's not
label1.config(text="Något gick fel!") # when something goes wrong
if __name__ == '__main__':
Your user_input variable is only defined int the entry function.
You are trying to access a variable that doesn't exist in the current context (turn()
If your wish to be able to access a variable in every function, make it a global variable by defining it above everything else in the script.
That or use your palindromeentry.get()
everytime you wish to access it.
Hope this helps you in getting to know python a little more.
This might help: Using global variables