Hi I wrote the following code,
Z=1 #particle position
for time in np.arange(1, 10, dt):
#####simulation loop#######
theta=np.arccos(-Z/R) #contact angle
theta_e=((math.pi*110)/180) #equilibrium contact angle
Z_e=-R*np.cos(theta_e)#equilibrium position of particle
C=3.14*gamma*(R-Z_e) #additive constant
Fsz= (gamma*math.pi*(Z-Z_e)**2)+(tau*2*math.pi*math.sqrt(R**2-Z**2))+C
Fz=Fsz+(0.5*deltaF*np.sin((2*math.pi/lamda)*(Z-Z_e)-phi))#surface force
w_a=gamma*lamda_m**2*(1-np.cos(theta_e)) #work of adhesion
epsilon_z=2*math.pi*R*np.sin(theta)*mu*(nu/(lamda_m**3))*np.exp(w_a/KbT)#transitional drag
Ft=math.sqrt(2*KbT*epsilon)*series #thermal force
v=(-np.diff(Fz,Z)+Ft)/epsilon ##new velocity
Z=v*dt #new position
I was trying to calculate dFz/dz
but it is gave me following error,
File "C:/Users/mohammad.hossain1/Desktop/particle.py", line 62, in <module>
v=(-np.diff(Fz,Z)+Ft)/epsilon ##new velocity
File "C:\Users\mohammad.hossain1\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\function_base.py", line 1924, in diff
slice1[axis] = slice(1, None)
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
As my initial condition is Fz=0
and it changes with time I suppose to get dFz/dz
. I have imported all necessary module and all variables are defined properly at the beginning of the code.But I got error while I have introduced the derivative. So most likely my approach is not going with argument. Is it possible to show me the mistake that I have done during my coding.
It's hard too say for sure even with the stack trace. Obviously numpy is trying to access a list called slice1 with an axis index that the list does not have. Not sure why this is the case, but it must be something with this line:
I suspect specifically the part of this line that is causing this issue is the np.diff(), since it is np code throwing this error. My best guess is that Fz and Z are equal in this case, or otherwise unacceptable values for the .diff method. Try adding the following if like so:
if Fz != Z:
If that doesn't stop the crash try printing the values of Fz and Z right before this line and seeing if they look weird/suspicious.