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what is process of deploying easygui application?

can we deploy 'easygui' application? If so, how? I have done a simple easy GUI application using Python 3.6 Now I want to create a setup file for the same.


  • I got a nice explanation from zadacka, when I contacted him on Github. A standard way to deploy is setuptools. There are a lot of ways of doing the deployment. Within the python world, setuptools is the successor to distutils, and the wheel packaging system is the successor to the egg.

    For converting a .py file to a .exe

    You can use any of the below 3 tools. They have their own website with nice documentation.

    1. py2exe
    2. cx_Freeze
    3. pyinstaller

    these are used to generate a .exe file.

    We need tools like Windows Installation wizard / Microsoft Installation wizard. The one which was most suggested is Inno setup it is also a free tool.