I am working on a wordpress / buddypress site. In the groups page, I have changed the page title background color. However, over the page title background is the element that shows how many groups there are and it is in the same color. I am trying to change the text color to white but it is not changing. the code for this is:
<div id="item-statistics" class="follows">
<h1 class="main-title">Groups & Clubs</h1>
<span class="create-a-group"><a href="https://www.villagemixer.com/groups/create/" class="group-create no-ajax">Create a Group</a></span>
<div class="numbers">
I was able to change the page title with
.main-title {
color: white;
however, the class showing the numbers (25) and groups (Groups) will not change when using its class selector like this
.numbers {
color: white;
Using the same class selector, I am able to change the background color though. Any thoughts?
May be there's some other CSS conflicting the same
Try adding !important
color:white !important;
hope that helps