I have this HTML content:
$test = '<section><div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12" data-type="container-content">
<section data-type="component-photo"><div class="photo-panel">
<img src="http://somewhere.com/XpV8lCLD6pChrysanthemum.jpg" width="100%" height="" style="display: inline-block;">
And I have this code for str_replace so that it will add a closing tag for the img:
$new = str_replace('"></div>', '"/></div>', $test);
echo $new;
When check this out using inspect element the image is not closed as expected. What could I be doing wrong here?
Additional notes:
I need the closing tag for PHPWord to work. Also, The value of $test
is from $_POST
as this is fed through AJAX.
Thank you
There is a newline between the tag and the closing tag. You should either reformat the $test variable or use:
$new = preg_replace('/>[\n\r]<\/div>/', '/></div>', $test);
You are however in dangerous territory here as all matches will be replaced. HTML is a language that does not play well with regex.
It's much better to tackle the problem before it takes html form if possible.