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How to seek with GPUImageMovie with AVMutableComposition

I have an AVMutableComposition (which is an AVAsset) and I'm using GPUImage ( to filter it by using a GPUImageMovie. It is working, but I need to implement seeking functionality.

I'm currently initializing GPUImageMovie with my mutable composition:

[[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithAsset:asset];

However, according to GPUImageMovie playback controls I need to create my own player and player item, then initialize the movie with that:

videoPlayerItem = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithAsset:asset];
videoPlayer = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithPlayerItem:videoPlayerItem];
GPUImageMovie *video = [[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithPlayerItem:videoPlayerItem];

However, when I try to play the movie this way using [videoPlayer seekToTime:kCMTimeZero]; [videoPlayer play];, I'm getting a blank player. Nothing is nil etc, but it simply doesn't show anything.

The only question/answer I could find was this:

GPUImageMovie not playing video file when initWithPlayerItem

Though its solution is irrelevant to me as the problem was with the URL scheme, which I don't have (mine is not a URL asset, but a mutable composition).

How can I control/seek an AVMutableComposition played as a GPUImageMovie? (and yes, I need to use GPUImageMovie, the whole processing pipeline is tightly-coupled to use that) (I am targeting iOS 9+)


  • Disclosure: this is a workaround, not a real solution.

    I've ended up creating a new AVPlayer based on the original video, and used that one for controlling the playback. Of course, even if it suited my needs for this particular project (as I didn't need the filtered video at the point where I needed to control playback), it may not fit everybody's needs.