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Styles are not visible in dev-tools panel

I'm trying to display element styles for node with nodeId using devtools-protocol

When element is hovered and clicked I receive 4 messages in total

  • CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode
  • CSS.getComputedStyleForNode
  • CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode
  • CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode

to which I respond (I think) correctly, yet styles are not visible in dev-tools panel

Screenshot of dev-tools styles panel

Detailed communication:


  • {"id":35,"method":"CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode","params":{"nodeId":80}}
  • {"id":36,"method":"CSS.getComputedStyleForNode","params":{"nodeId":80}}
  • {"id":37,"method":"CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode","params":{"nodeId":80}}
  • {"id":38,"method":"CSS.getInlineStylesForNode","params":{"nodeId":80}}

Responses. (Were too long, so I shorted them, CONTENT is a placeholder for their content)

  • {"result":{"cssKeyframesRules":[],"inherited":[{ CONTENT }],"id":35}
  • {"result":{"computedStyle":[{ CONTENT }],"id":36}
  • {"result":{"fonts":[]},"id":37}
  • {"result":{"inlineStyle":{"cssProperties":[],"cssText":"","range":{"endColumn":0,"endLine":0,"startColumn":0,"startLine":0},"shorthandEntries":[],"styleSheetId":"69061.90"}},"id":38}

I would love to hear any pointer in the direction of a solution.


  • Problem solved. Chromium CSSRule.js.

    If the payload you report in getMatchedStyles includes styleSheetId's, then you should also report the stylesheet with this id to the front-end. You should emit the CSS.styleSheetAdded event for that.