When I'm trying to build my USQL project in Visual Studio I'm getting this error:
Error E_STORE_USER_FILENOTFOUND: File not found or access denied: wasb://[email protected]/file.txt. Description: Unable to obtain information about this file. Resolution: Ensure the file with exact casing exists (paths are case-sensitive) and the account has read permission to the file.
Obviously, I don't have access to that file, but that's fine, because script is supposed to be executed under service account and not my personal one.
Same happens if I have assembly referenced in script which is not installed in my local ADLA.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Professional Update 3 and Azure Data Lake Tools for VS
Is it possible to build USQL project without checking this external references? I just want to be sure that script syntax is fine.
To answer the question: There is no way to build/compile a U-SQL script without having access to the input files. The file meta data, including the size and ACLs are accessed and checked when the script is compiled, because the preparation is generating the job graph which is dependent on data sizes etc.
I suggest to file a feature request at http://aka.ms/adlfeedback to request a syntax validation option in the tooling. Please note that intellisense in the VS editor will give you some indication whether your syntax is correct without accessing the file (although it will still need access to your meta data service if you reference objects there).