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Is there a way to remove important comments?

I minified my css file, but it did not get rid of /*! important comments */.

is there a way to get rid of important comments?

I found this - grunt-contrib-cssmin - how to remove comments from minified css but @Rigotti answer does not work for important comments.

Thanks for your help!


  • Many grunt plugins will not remove the important comments as the notation /*! */ is typically used to prevent removal. However, grunt-strip-css-comment, provides the option to remove them.

    You could apply the following stripCssComments Task to your minified .css file.


    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        cssmin: {
          // ...
        stripCssComments: {
            options: {
              preserve: false // <-- Option removes important comments.
            dist: {
                files: {
                    // Redefine paths as necessary.
                    // These should probably both be the same given your scenario.
                    'path/to/dest/file.min.css': 'path/to/src/file.min.css'
      // Define the alias to the `stripCssComments` Task after your `cssmin` Task. 
      grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin', 'stripCssComments']);


    cd to your project directory and run:

    npm i -D grunt-strip-css-comments load-grunt-tasks

    Note: grunt-strip-css-comments is loaded using the plugin load-grunt-tasks instead of the typical grunt.loadNpmTasks(...) notation, so you'll need to install that too.