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Add all commits from GitLab merge request to Upsource review

I have GitLab MR and I want to review these changes in Upsource (I want to merge the changes from feature to rc). feature contains commits 2, 4, 6, 8. But when I clicked Create branch review on my MR branch, not all committs from MR were exported to review.


I tried to solve the problem in 3 different ways:

  1. When the review is created by Create branch review, only commit 8 is added, because the branch fix was created from commit 6 (same thing happens when using the search request only-branch: {feature}). MR commits: 2, 4, 6, 8
  2. If I try to add revisions through search branch: {feature} I get commits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 because this search adds commits from all the branches that were merged into feature. MR commits: 2, 4, 6, 8
  3. I can use request branch: {feature} and not branch: rc and get all the commits I want, but I must add and not branch: to this request for all the branches that were merged into feature. And I still have a promlem - I can't use select all checkbox. There is no way to load all the commits that comply with the request, only 20 commits were loaded by cliking more button.

Could you please tell me the easiest way to add all MR GitLab commits to Upsource review.


  • The latest version of Upsource (2017.3) features much deeper integration with GitLab. If you enable synchronization for this project, Upsource will automatically create reviews for open pull requests taking the commits list via GitLab API, rather than from commit history. Besides you can create merge requests from Upsource UI.

    Try the latest build.