I ran into problems developing an application (.Net Framework 4.7+) using SignalR (v. 2.2). My IIS (v. 10 on Windows 10 HOME) is hanging after 2 established connections. It hangs completely, so no other site, hosted there, is no longer available.
I trieid to reproduce it on sample project (SignalR Chat). I downloaded it from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/signalr/overview/getting-started/tutorial-getting-started-with-signalr-and-mvc (http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Getting-Started-with-c366b2f3). Hosted it in IIS. IIS hangs after 2 established connections (2 tab opened, on third tab page opens from cache, but message isn't posted, if force refresh with CTRL+F5, then page not loading at all). I updated the sapmple project to the latest versions of SignalR and OWIN. Same result.
Ok. I took a clean system (Windows 10 PRO), installed IIS there, hosted sample project there. Instead of 2 connections it hangs after 9 websocket connections. I tried to change the transport to LongPolling, and server hangs after 6 connections. Here is noted that on client OS (like WIndows 10) there is a limitation to 10 simultaneous connections. But not 2. Using IISExpress there are no such restrictions.
Checked this question. But there is no CPU usage at all. I tried all the solutions proposed here. No result.
2 simultaneous is extremely low.
It's because you're using a non server version of IIS. Deploy it to a server and it'll be fine.
Similar questions and answers: SignalR: worker process is limited to 10 concurrent requests