I need an explanation about for in loops in swift. Let's consider the following example.
public struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
var surname: String?
var persons: [Person] = []
for i in 0...5 {
let person = Person("test", i)
And here is my question.
Why this won't work
//first for in loop
for var person in persons {
person.surname = "surname"
print(persons[0].surname) // output: nil
And this does
// second for in loop
for i in 1...persons.count {
persons[i].surname = "surname"
print(persons[0].surname) // output: 'surname'
I can see that first for in loop is working on copy person object because I can see output while I'm in the loop. But why are we working on copy? And can I somehow change value of person object in the first for in loop?
Since Person
is a struct, the value logic is applied.
It means that when you write
var person = anotherPerson
You are creating a copy. So changing one value does not affect the other value.
Exactly the same thing happens in your for in
for var person in persons {
person.surname = "surname"
Finally you can get a new array of persons with the new surname writing this
let personsWithSurname = persons.map { person -> Person in
var person = person
person.surname = "surname"
return person