I get a strange error when running a packaged Electron app on Windows 10.
When I press Ok on this error, the application boots up, but without a menu. If I run the same application using electron .
it works perfectly, it has a menu.
The error occurs here:
var filemenu = Menu.getApplicationMenu().items[0].submenu;
filemenu.items[0].visible = false;
filemenu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Build Project', click: function () { buildProject(); } }));
I'm trying to edit the default File menu and add a "Build Project" item.
This is my first attempt to package an Electron app so I welcome any feedback as to what went wrong?
It seems that the default menu is not added to the app when in production.
The solution is to check if you are in development:
// Check if we are in development
var isDev = require('electron-is-dev');
If in production, you have to construct the menu from scratch.
// In development
// modify existing menu
// In production
// construct menu from scratch
var template = [
label: "File",
submenu: [
label: "Exit",
click: function () { quit(); }
label: "Project",
submenu: [
label: "Delete",
click: function () { deleteProject(); }
label: "Build",
click: function () { buildProject(); }
// build menu from template
var menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template);
// set menu for main window