I have read the page on implementing OAuth that Twitter have written. I've registered my app, it will only access my account, so I skip all the request token stuff. I have, from the "Your apps" page:
I write some ruby code and test its output against Beginner’s Guide to OAuth (suggested reading in the Twitter docs). I get the same output, i.e. the signature, the base string and the Authorization headers are identical.
However, when I connect to the Twitter Rest API and try the verify credentials command the response is invariably "Incorrect signature".
I try using different code (very similar to mine) from a gist by erikeldridge on github but it doesn't work either. Instead of connecting via cURL (using the curb library) I use Net/Http - same error response is returned.
I change over to using the OAuth gem. It uses Net/Http to connect. Same error response comes back.
Verify credentials isn't the only command I've tried to use in the API, but they all give the same error, whether it's GET or POST, requires extra params or not. I've been using the Search API successfully using the curb library without problems so I don't think it's the connection method.
What might I do to fix this?
Ruby 1.9.2; cURL 7.21.2; oauth 0.4.4; curb 0.7.8; json 1.4.6; OSX 10.6.5;
It's fixed - I regenerated the Consumer key and secret on the Twitter site and it started working. I've no idea why the previous set didn't work - the code was solid (works all the time now) and the details were correct. Perhaps they (Twitter) could provide more detailed error messages? But I'm happy :)