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Joomla's extent for a custom but yet simple web social platform

I know Joomla as a CMS manager, which is a system that manages different contents (texts, media,... etc). But people tend to say: ALWAYS use joomla for your pro projects... bla bla

Let's imagine I need to do the following:

  • A web site where registered users post quotes (like in for example), quotes are moderated, then published to people. And quotes have comments (from registered users).

How would Joomla help me easily building such a website ?

Because I think I can develop it very fast by starting from the scratch, but in another hand I'm very very interested in using Joomla as a base in order to learn it, and experience CMS methodology.

The Joomla administration console helps putting components on the websites and all that stuff, but what happens when we do need to store user input, submit it to users moderation, then publish this content and allow comments on it ? Does this require Joomla plugin development ? Or is there another road that could be taken... My question might seem noobish, that's because this is going to be my first experience with a CMS though.


  • Wow. Where to start. First, the Joomla core does not support all of the requirements as it does not have a built in commenting system. Next, plenty of "pro" sites use Joomla, Wordpress, and Drupal. Big sites with big traffic and big budgets. More and more corporate sites are going looking to OS CMS, they have really come a long way in the last couple of years. Last, Joomla 1.0 stopped being supported a LONG time ago. Since 1.0, 1.5 released and had 22 updates, and 1.6 released earlier this month.

    As for the original question, Joomla would be an excellent choice for the requirements described because it can easily be done with just K2. You can set up a specific content type for quotes, assign registered users as authors that can submit content, and turn on commenting for registered users. All of this is built in to K2 without any modifications.