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How to add a collection(list etc) param in prepared statement cursor

So I am using asyncpg prepared statement and executing query. I am passing positional arguments in my query.

Currently, I pass stmt.cursor(params[0], params[1]) but what if I don't know how many arguments are being passed so wanted to pass a list or something to this method. How can I achieve this in this case?

My current code:

async def execute_ps(dsn):
    conn = await asyncpg.connect(dsn)

    sql_query = """select * from table1 where id = $1 and name=$2"""
    params = [var1, var2]
    stmt = await conn.prepare(sql_query)

    result = []

        async with conn.transaction():
            async for record in stmt.cursor(params[0], params[1]): # want to pass list here
    except Exception as e:
        print("exception: {}", e)

    if conn is None:
        await conn.close()

    return result


  • My bad. I found out it has to be using *. I am new to python so didn't get it at the first thought!

    async for record in stmt.cursor(*params)