I'm trying to convert an open source project that I do not own to use Carthage so I can include it as a dependency. I added a new scheme and have made that scheme Shared. I checked it in to my local git repo of the source. This is in my Cartfile:
git "file:///Users/crystaltwix/Projects/plcrashreporter" "shared-scheme"
When I try to run
carthage update --platform iOS
I do see that Carthage checks out plcrashreporter with the correct git hash, but the error I get is
*** Skipped building plcrashreporter due to the error:
Dependency "plcrashreporter" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS
Is there something else that needs to be done in order to have a framework be available through Carthage?
I did integrate the plcrashreporter
framework with Carthage, but since the project is quite obsolete, I had to fork a pull request which is this one:
as you can see, there are many commits there (#34
), some related specifically to Carthage, some others for cleanup and fixing the targets.
You can find the repo here:
My test (you may find it here) has the following:
Cartfile: github "feelform/plcrashreporter"
In build settings, Run Script:
/bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Input files: $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/CrashReporter.framework
Output files:$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH)/CrashReporter.framework