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Hook is not being called on "post_system" event in CI

I need to add the ability to track user actions by storing in a DB the IP address, the logged in user information and the action itself which is the URL the user is accessing. I would like to store also which parameters are being sent to the backend (POST|GET) if it's possible.

I don't like to reinvent the wheel so I took some time to perform a Google search and this ci-usertracking shows up. It's really old, it says it only has been tested from 1.6.3 to 1.7.1 (weird 1.7.0 is being skipped because of a bug).

I am using CI 2.1.3 (yessssss: outdated not the last version on the 2.x branch but is what we have in this legacy project and I don't want to update it to a newest version because I can cause caos lol).

This is what I have done so far (after download the files and unpack them :) ):

  • Copy the files to it's respective folders and setup them as follow
  • Create the table on the DB (SQL Server)
$config['usertracking']['user_identifier']       = null;
$config['usertracking']['auto_track']            = true;
$config['usertracking']['tracking_filter'][]     = null;
$config['usertracking']['tracking_filter_logic'] = 'OR';
$config['usertracking']['auto_build_db']         = false;
$config['usertracking']['auto_fix_db']           = false;

// application/config/autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = array('Template', 'database', 'session', 'Ion_auth', 'Usertracking');

// application/hooks/hooks.php
$hook['post_system'][] = array(
    'class'    => 'Usertracking',
    'function' => 'auto_track',
    'filename' => 'Usertracking.php',
    'filepath' => 'libraries'

I am debugging the application using Xdebug and I am able to see the Usertracking class constructor being called but for some reason the function auto_track() is not called and therefore nothing is happening meaning nothing is being written to the DB.

Here is the code for the Usertracking class (apologies since it's large):


if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * User Tracking for CodeIgniter
 * A library for tracking user activity in CodeIgniter applications.
 * Requires PHP v.5.1 or higher.
 * @package        Usertracking for CodeIgniter
 * @author         Casey McLaughlin
 * @copyright      Open Source BSD License
 * @license
 * @link 
 * @since          Version 1.2
 * @filesource

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Usertracking library
 * @package          Usertracking for CodeIgniter
 * @subpackage       Libraries
 * @author           Casey McLaughlin
 * @link   
class Usertracking
    private $CI;
    private $configuration;

    private $needed_fields = array(
            'name'                 => 'id',
            'type'                 => 'int',
            'primary_key'          => 1,
            'forge_type'           => 'int',
            'forge_auto_increment' => true
        array('name' => 'session_id', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'varchar', 'forge_constraint' => '100'),
        array('name' => 'user_identifier', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'varchar', 'forge_constraint' => '255'),
        array('name' => 'request_uri', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'text'),
        array('name' => 'timestamp', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'varchar', 'forge_constraint' => '20'),
        array('name' => 'client_ip', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'varchar', 'forge_constraint' => '50'),
        array('name' => 'client_user_agent', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'text'),
        array('name' => 'referer_page', 'type' => 'string', 'forge_type' => 'text')

     * Constructor
     * Does nothing but run the initialization
     * method.
     * @access public
     * @return void|boolean Will return FALSE if the intialization did not succeed.
    public function __construct()
        //connect to CodeIgnitor
        if (!$this->CI =& get_instance()) {
            echo 'The UserTracking library is built for CodeIgnitor 1.6.3 and cannot be used outside of CI.';


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Initialization script
     * Checks the environment to ensure that the library
     * will run.
     * @access public
     * @return boolean The result of the intialization process
    public function initialize()
        //if php is not new enough, show error and die.
        if (PHP_VERSION < 5.1) {
            show_error('The Usertracking plugin is supported only on PHP v5.1 and above!');

            return false;

        //check for the configuration file
        if (!$this->CI->config->load('usertracking_config') OR $this->CI->config->item('usertracking') === false) {
            show_error('Missing the configuration for UserTracking.  Ensure you have installed UserTracking correctly.');

            return false;

        //Load the configuration
        $this->configuration = $this->CI->config->item('usertracking');

        //check the database for the table
        if (!$this->check_database()) {
            show_error('The database is not setup correctly for UserTracking.  Check to ensure proper database setup, or check the config settings for usertracking.');

            return false;

        //if made it here
        return true;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Automatically Track User Events
     * Auto-track is meant to be run only from a CodeIgniter hook.  It
     * checks to ensure that autotracking is enabled, checks any filters
     * that may have been configured in the configuration file, and then
     * runs the {@link trackThis()} method.
     * @return boolean The result of the tracking action (whether a db record was added or not)
    public function auto_track()
        //check the conditions
        if ($this->configuration['auto_track'] === true) {
            $proceed = $this->check_filters();

            if ($proceed === true) {
                return $this->track_this();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Track the current pageview
     * Retrieves information from the session, user agent, and server
     * fields, and then adds a record to the tracking database.
     * @access public
     * @return boolean The result of the tracking action (whether a db record was added or not)
    public function track_this()
        //load necessary libraries

        //get the data
        $input_data                      = array();
        $input_data['session_id']        = $this->CI->session->userdata('session_id');
        $input_data['request_uri']       = $this->CI->input->server('REQUEST_URI');
        $input_data['timestamp']         = time();
        $input_data['client_ip']         = $this->CI->input->server('REMOTE_ADDR');
        $input_data['client_user_agent'] = $this->CI->agent->agent_string();
        $input_data['referer_page']      = $this->CI->agent->referrer();

        //Get the user identifier, if set
        if ($this->configuration['user_identifier'] !== null && is_array($this->configuration['user_identifier'])) {
            if (count($this->configuration['user_identifier']) === 3) {
                list($class_type, $class_name, $function_name) = $this->configuration['user_identifier'];
                $the_args = array();
            } elseif (count($this->configuration['user_identifier']) === 4) {
                list($class_type, $class_name, $function_name, $the_args) = $this->configuration['user_identifier'];

            if (!$this->CI->load->$class_type($class_name)) {
                if ((($class_type !== 'helper') &&
                                       $function_name)) OR ($class_type === 'helper' && !function_exists($function_name))) {
                    show_error("Could not load the $function_name in $class_name.  Check the userIdentifier configuration in userTracking config. User Identifier will not be tracked.");
                } else //Do it!
                    if ($class_type === 'helper') {
                        $input_data['user_identifier'] = call_user_func_array($function_name, $the_args);
                    } else {
                        $input_data['user_identifier'] = call_user_func_array(
            } else {
                show_error("Could not load the $class_type: $class_name.  Check the userIdentifier configuration in userTracking config. User Identifier will not be tracked.");

        //Add it to the database
        $result = $this->CI->db->insert('usertracking', $input_data);

        if ($result === false) {
            show_error('Could not write to the usertracking table in the database while trying to add a tracking record.  Double-check configureation and datbase setup for Usertracking library!');

        //Return the database write result
        return $result;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Check/Process filters
     * This is run as part of the autoTrack() function.  It processes any
     * filters defined in the configuration file and returns either TRUE or FALSE.
     * @access  private
     * @return boolean Whether or not the filter tests suceeded.
    private function check_filters()
        //Get the tracking filters from the config
        $tracking_filters = $this->configuration['tracking_filter'];

        //If there are filters, process them
        if (is_array($tracking_filters) && count($tracking_filters) > 0 && $tracking_filters[0] !== null) {
            $filter_results = array();

            //go through each tracking filter and make sure that they pass
            foreach ($tracking_filters as $curr_filter) {
                //Check the filter for the right type
                if (!is_array($curr_filter) OR (count($curr_filter) !== 4 && count($curr_filter) !== 5)) {
                    show_error("The userTracking filter is malformed.  Check the userTracking configuration.  Filter: $curr_filter");

                if (count($curr_filter) === 4) {
                    list($class_type, $class_name, $function_name, $expected_result) = $curr_filter;
                    $the_args = array();  //This is empty
                } elseif (count($curr_filter) === 5) {
                    list($class_type, $class_name, $function_name, $expected_result, $the_args) = $curr_filter;
                } else {
                    show_error("The userTracking filter is malformed.  Check the userTracking configuration.  Filter: $curr_filter");

                //Run the filter
                if (!$this->CI->load->$class_type($class_name)) {
                    if ((($class_type !== 'helper') &&
                                           $function_name)) OR ($class_type === 'helper' && !function_exists($function_name))) {
                        show_error("Could not load the $function_name in $class_name.  The filter will not be applied.");
                    } else //Do it!
                        if ($class_type === 'helper') {
                            $curr_filter_result = call_user_func_array($function_name, $the_args);
                        } else {
                            $curr_filter_result = call_user_func_array(array($this->CI->$class_name, $function_name),
                } else {
                    show_error("Could not load the $class_type: $class_name.  Check the userIdentifier configuration in userTracking config. User filter will not be applied.");

                //Analyze the results
                //If there is no result for the current filter, autofail!
                if (!isset($curr_filter_result)) {
                    $filter_results[] = 'fail';
                } else //if there is a result, test it
                    //Do a strong type comparison if we are expecting true or false
                    if ($expected_result === true OR $expected_result === false) {
                        if ($curr_filter_result === $expected_result) {
                            $filter_results[] = 'pass';
                        } else {
                            $filter_results[] = 'fail';
                    } else //Do a weak type comparison for everything else
                        if ($curr_filter_result == $expected_result) {
                            $filter_results[] = 'pass';
                        } else {
                            $filter_results[] = 'fail';

            //check the results
            if (strtoupper($this->configuration['tracking_filter_logic']) === 'AND') //AND Logic
                if (!in_array('fail', $filter_results, false)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else //OR Logic
                if (in_array('pass', $filter_results, false)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
        } else //no filters to check -- pass automatically.
            return true;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Check Database
     * This checks and, if defined in the configuration file, builds the
     * necessary database tables for tracking using the CI database forge class.
     * If it finds a malformed table, it will backup that table and create a new one.
     * @access private
     * @return boolean Whether the database table exists or was setup succesfully.
    private function check_database()
        //load the ci database and db forge classes, or show error & return FALSE

        //check to see if the table exists
        if ($this->CI->db->table_exists('usertracking')) {
            //if the table exists, check to see if the columns are setup correctly
            $fields = $this->CI->db->field_data('usertracking');

            //if the columns are setup correctly, return TRUE
            $num_matched = 0;
            foreach ($this->needed_fields as $needed_field) {
                $nf_name = $needed_field['name'];
                $nf_type = $needed_field['type'];

                foreach ($fields as $the_field) {
                    if ($the_field->name == $nf_name && $the_field->type = $nf_type) {

            if ($num_matched < count($this->needed_fields) && $this->configuration['auto_fix_db'] === true) {
                //if the columns are setup incorrectly and autofix_db is on, fix the db and return TRUE

                //rename the table
                global $CI;
                $db_prefix = $CI->db->dbprefix;
                $this->CI->dbforge->rename_table($db_prefix . 'usertracking', 'usertracking_backup_' . time());
                $this->CI->db->query('UNLOCK TABLES;');

                //rebuild the table
                $result = $this->build_database_table();

                //return TRUE
                return $result;
            } elseif ($this->configuration['auto_fix_db'] !== true && $num_matched < count($this->needed_fields)) {
                //if the columns are setup incorrectly and autofix_db is off, show error return FALSE
                show_error('The database table exists, but is malformed and not setup correctly.');

                return false;
            } else //everything is setup right
                return true;
        } elseif ($this->configuration['auto_build_db'] === true) {
            //if the table doesn't exist, and autoBuild_db is on, build the table and return TRUE
            $result = $this->build_database_table();

            return $result;
        } else {
            //if the table doesn't exist, and autoBuild_db is off, show error and return FALSE
            show_error('The usertracking database table does not exist.  Check your database installation.');

            return false;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Build Database Table
     * Builds the database table.  If one already exists, it will overwrite.  This method
     * should only be called from the {@link checkDatabase} method to avoid potential
     * data loss.
     * @access private
     * @return boolean Whether the table was built succesfully
    private function build_database_table()
        //load the ci database and db forge classes, or show error & return FALSE (if not already done)

        //create a new table with the appropriate fields
        $new_fields = array();

        foreach ($this->needed_fields as $curr_nf) {
            $name              = $curr_nf['name'];
            $new_fields[$name] = array('type' => $curr_nf['forge_type']);
            if (isset($curr_nf['forge_constraint'])) {
                $new_fields[$name]['constraint'] = $curr_nf['forge_constraint'];
            if (isset($curr_nf['forge_auto_increment'])) {
                $new_fields[$name]['auto_increment'] = $curr_nf['forge_auto_increment'];

            if (isset($curr_nf['primary_key']) && $curr_nf['primary_key'] === 1) {
                $this->CI->dbforge->add_key($name, true);


        return true;

Maybe this is a miss configuration or something else but I can't find where the problem is. Can any give me some ideas or maybe recommend me a better library for this purpose?


  • If a hook isn't called there could be a couple reasons.

    The hooks config file (hooks.php) might not be configured correctly. Or, in your case, it is where you hooks.php is stored.

    You show it as being at


    but it should be at


    The directory /application/hooks/ was designed as the place to store files that hook.php loads. But that's not a must-do as long as the config values are right. And yours is if Usertracking.php is in application/libraries.

    There is another reason that a hook does not run. If somewhere in the controller (or classes the controller uses i.e. model, libraries, etc) there is a call to exit or die. Either of those PHP methods will short-circuit the framework's designed execution path. The result could mean that multiple hook points will never be evaluated.