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White squares when using plotmath expressions

Whenever I try to use symbols in a plotmath expression in R, I get white squares. For example, when I run demo(plotmath), I get the following.

Does anyone have an idea where the problem may lie? I am using R 3.4.1 in Rstudio on Mac OS X 10.11.6.

enter image description here


As mentioned in the comments, it seems to be an issue with my fonts. When I look at Symbol, I have two "Symbol Regular"s, and the second one appears as question marks when viewing both together. However, when I click on the second one individually, the fonts appear normally. I tried to validate fonts and remove duplicates, but Font Book did not detect any problems. What should I do?

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • If you go to and examine the Symbol font, is it perhaps duplicated or can you see any other evidence of corruption? – 42- 25 mins ago

    @42- Thanks very much, it does seem to be an issue with the Symbol font. I listed what I see above; do you know what I should do with the font to fix it? – angryavian 9 mins ago

    Delete it. It will get replaced from some magic Apple storeroom buried deep in the bowels of the System.

    I don't know how this happens, but it used to happen to me fairly often. Doesn't seem to be happening lately. I remain puzzled. I'm guessing there may be answers at Ask Different (but I didn't find an answer.) Whatever the mechanism it's been around for a long, long time: