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error while installing kylo specific services for nifi

I am trying to install kylo 0.8.4. There is a step to install kylo specific components after installing Nifi using command,

sudo ./ /opt /opt/kylo kylo kylo but getting follwing error.

Creating symlinks for NiFi version 1.4.0.jar compatible nars ERROR: spark-submit not on path. Has spark been installed?

I have spark installed.

need help.


  • The script calls which spark-submit to check if Spark is available. If available, it uses spark-submit --version to determine the version of Spark that is installed.

    The error indicates that spark-submit is not available on system path. Can you please execute which spark-submit on the command line and check the result? Please refer to the screenshot below for expected result on Kylo sandbox.

    Checking spark-submit location

    If spark-submit is not available on the system path, you can fix it by updating the PATHvariable in .bash_profile file by providing the location of your Spark installation.

    As a next step, you can also verify the installed version of Spark by running spark-submit --version. Please refer to screenshot below for an example result.

    enter image description here