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How to Read and Add Rules in Windows Firewall with Python

I'm creating a service that needs to constantly monitor the Firewall to prevent unsuspecting users from removing the doors of a service. My intention is to do this using python.

So, I searched for it and did not think.

can I read and add rules to Windows Firewall using python?


  • Open Python IDLE as an administrator or CMD as administrator and load python. Aim is so that while running the program you should have administrator privilege.

    def blockrule():
     import os
     c=input('Enter Directory in the format "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\"(without ""): \n')
     d=input('Enter prefix: ')
     e=input('Enter \n"1" for inbound \n"2" for outbound \n"3" for both \nWithout ""\n')
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(c):
      for name in files:
     for i in range(len(a)):
      if a[i][0][-3:]=='exe':
     print('Number of files: '+str(len(a))+'\nNumber of .exe files: '+str(len(b)))
     for i in range (len(b)):
      if e=='1':
       os.popen('netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="'+name+'" dir=in action=block program= "'+ b[i]+'" enable=yes profile=any')
      if e=='2':
       os.popen('netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="'+name+'" dir=out action=block program= "'+ b[i]+'" enable=yes profile=any')
      if e=='3':
       os.popen('netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="'+name+'" dir=in action=block program= "'+ b[i]+'" enable=yes profile=any')
       os.popen('netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="'+name+'" dir=out action=block program= "'+ b[i]+'" enable=yes profile=any')