I need to create a script to read XLS and insert into mysql, so I decide to use phpoffice to do it.
The problem comes when inside this xls is a XML and phpoffice can´t read this row.
For example, if you try to read a xls with this rows:
The output only shows you
Note: there is a blank row between January an March but I´m having problems to show with this wysiwyg.
Can someone tell me how can I Read this XML inside the XLS?
I think the problem is when there is a word between"<" and ">" in a row, but I don´t know how to solve it.
It's not PHPOffice that's causing any problem..... it's your lack of understanding of html markup.
You're echoing this to a browser..... and a browser treats <
as a special character..... use htmlentities() to convert those specia
characters to html entities before displaying it in your browser