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How to retrieve the CrossValidator bestModel ALS regParam value?

I'm training an ALS model with a CrossValidator:

  val als = new ALS()

  val evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()

  val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
    .addGrid(als.regParam, Array(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1))

  val cv = new CrossValidator()

  val cvModel =

I would like to inspect the chosen regParam value. I've tried this:

  val bestRegParam = cvModel.bestModel.getRegParam()

However, I get the exception:

value getRegParam is not a member of[_$5]


  • usually you have to cast bestModel to a specific model, e.g. ALSModel. But ALSModel class doesn't have regParam field. Unfortunately I guess there is no way to extract the chosen regParam and it's really a question to Spark developers.

    You could turn on logging for CrossValidator as it logs the chosen best set of parameters