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Idiomatic way to use Options in Scala

I am converting some Java code to Scala, trying to make the code as idiomatic as possible.

So, I now have some code using Options instead of nullable values, and I wonder whether things are Scalaiish, or whether I'm wrong. So, could you guys please criticize the following snippet of code?

The areas in which I am specifically looking for feedback are:

  • The use of a companion object as a factory, giving 2 options depending on whether we want to pass Options or Strings: is the String constructor fine, or should we always expose the fact that it is an Option?
  • The use of preconditions: are there better ways to assert the fact that alpha3Code and name are mandatory, and a non-null option mustbe passed for alpha2Code? (I am resorting to Guava for the string utils, as I haven't found anything in the Scala API)
  • The implementation of hashCode, equals and toString. equals and toString delegate to Guava again, whereas equals uses pattern matching. Is there a more Scala-ish way?
  • I know I could have used Case classes, which would have created default implementations, but I am mostly interested in learning how I should implement those for the cases where case classes cannot be used.
    package com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language
    object Language {
        def apply(name : String, alpha3Code : String, alpha2Code : Option[String]) = new Language(name, alpha3Code, alpha2Code)
        def apply(name : String, alpha3Code : String, alpha2Code : String = null) = new Language(name, alpha3Code, Option(alpha2Code))
        def unapply(l : Language) = Some(, l.alpha3Code, l.alpha2Code )
    class Language(val name : String, val alpha3Code : String, val alpha2Code : Option[String]) {
        require(alpha2Code != null)
        override def hashCode(): Int = Objects.hashCode(alpha3Code)
                override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
            case that: Language => this.alpha3Code == that.alpha3Code
            case _ => false
        override def toString() : String = Objects.toStringHelper(this)
            .add("name", name)    
            .add("alpha3", alpha3Code)
            .add("alpha2", alpha2Code)


  • I think you should expose only Option[String] in factory method. For example I, as a user of your library, will also ask myself question which factory method I should use. And most probably I will use Option.

    Scala gives us enough tools to make our lifes easier. For example you can use default for option like this:

    def apply(name: String, alpha3Code: String, alpha2Code: Option[String] = None) = 
     new Language(name, alpha3Code, alpha2Code)

    If I, again as user of your library, want to pass just string without wrapping it in Some each time, I can write my own implicit conversion like this:

    implicit def anyToOption[T](t: T): Option[T] = Some(t)

    or even (if I personally use nulls):

    implicit def anyToOption[T](t: T): Option[T] = 
     if (t == null) None else Some(t)

    But I believe, if you enforce option, it will make your API more solid and clear.