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MSBuild extensionpack Copy all the contents of a Directory to another

I am using MSBuild extensionpack. I'd like to copy the entire contents of the build directory to another directory on the file system. I do not want to rename the destination directory, just replace the contents. It could be my unfamiliarity with msbuild extensionpack but it seems like this should be easy and I have been unable to find readily available documentation on the web.

I am trying to set up a service that is automatically deployed in the Continuous Integration environment after a successful build.


  • As far as I remember, you'll need to clear and copy in separate steps. So do the delete/purge first, then copy over. I wasn't able (at the time I last did) to find a way to "overwrite". This actually worked better for us b/c one build may remove files that a previous one contained, so we wouldn't want them to "linger".

    To delete, try (assuming DeploymentDesintationPath is a property with the path):

         path="$(DeploymentDestinationPath)" />

    And then copy (notice you need to populate an itemgroup for both the source and the destination)

    <Copy SourceFiles="@(DeploymentSourceFiles)"
         DestinationFiles="@(DeploymentDestinationFiles)" />

    I haven't done this in a few months, so pardon if any of these examples require a bit of tweaking.