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LibGDX + ARCore: Usage of multiple cameras and viewports

I have an app combining LibGDX and ARCore, based on This works perfectly for the fullscreen.

Now I have a different requirement: I split the landscape oriented screen vertically and now want to render the world from the perspective camera controlled by the ARCore camera to the left side and a second time with a different perspective camera controlled externally to the right side.

For the "background" video (phyiscal device camera) this is already working, but I am at the moment stuck on the viewport (or whatever) from LibGDX's Perspective Camera.

The ARCore Example sets the perspective camera's values like this:

float vm[] = new float[16];

Camera arCamera = frame.getCamera();
arCamera.getProjectionMatrix(vm, 0, camera.near, camera.far);
arCamera.getViewMatrix(vm, 0);
Matrix4.mul(camera.combined.val, camera.view.val);

But how can I now (after the above) restrict the rendering to the left portion of the screen ? The "x-middle" of the old screen setting should now be the 1/4th of the physical screen.


  • Problem solved. It turned out, that it is not even necessary to work with Viewports etc, we can simply restrict the drawing area on the surface by using

    HdpiUtils.glViewport(0, 0, / 2,;

    However you need to be aware, that you now also need to convert screen taps by e.g.:

    int x = Gdx.input.getX() * 2;
    int y = Gdx.input.getY();

    Because of shrinking the viewport to a portion of the original screen, but all input handling methods expect the screen taps to originate from a fullscreen.