So what we have - there's an iFrame on page which shows a preview of previously generated data. I need to get element with text and then get CSS value from it.
Take a look at the DOM here:
example of the page xpath to this element looks right to needed element (God save Chrome DevTools!). But script cannot detect this element.
What I've did: 1 - switched to Iframe where my element is located - successfully.(no more iframe inside this iframe as per screenshot). 2 - tried to find element - NoSuchElementException.
Probably, such issue appears because of this #document thing ?If so - how do I can solve it and get to needed element with script ?
may be you need to wait till the frame to be loaded as given below.
WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(driver, 90);
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.TagName("em"));
String fontStyle=element.getCssValue("font-sytle");