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How To Use Single Snackbar And Turn Into Multi Snackbar

I found this cool snackbar which I can use on my test website for learning reasons.

This snackbar uses ID so I will have to copy paste CSS as well as javascript over and over. if I want 4 different snackbar on same page than I will have to copy paste CSS code 4 times... that can be annoying.

So here is my attempt of setting multi snackbar. you can copy paste my code in above link to see the results.

As you can see, the effect works but it loses the CSS code. Any idea?

again: In snackbar id... I'm just creating layout of box, so I can change snackbar to class... and have id for unique box.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .snackbar {
        visibility: hidden;
        min-width: 250px;
        margin-left: -125px;
        background-color: #333;
        color: #fff;
        text-align: center;
        border-radius: 2px;
        padding: 16px;
        position: fixed;
        z-index: 1;
        left: 50%;
        bottom: 30px;
        font-size: 17px;
    } {
        visibility: visible;
        -webkit-animation: fadein 0.5s, fadeout 0.5s 2.5s;
        animation: fadein 0.5s, fadeout 0.5s 2.5s;

    @-webkit-keyframes fadein {
        from {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;} 
        to {bottom: 30px; opacity: 1;}

    @keyframes fadein {
        from {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;}
        to {bottom: 30px; opacity: 1;}

    @-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
        from {bottom: 30px; opacity: 1;}
        to {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;}

    @keyframes fadeout {
        from {bottom: 30px; opacity: 1;}
        to {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;}



    <h2>Snackbar / Toast</h2>
    <p>Snackbars are often used as a tooltips/popups to show a message at the bottom of the screen.</p>
    <p>Click on the button to show the snackbar. It will disappear after 3 seconds.</p>

    <button onclick="myFunction()">Show Snackbar</button>

    <div id="myUniqueBar" class="snackbar">Some text some message..</div>

        function myFunction() {
            var x = document.getElementById("myUniqueBar")
            x.className = "show";
            setTimeout(function(){ x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000);



  • Because you are removing your existing snackbar class when using the code:

    x.className = "show";

    Instead replace the above code with this code:


    Codepen link: