I have a firefox extension xpcom component that listens to http-on-modify-request and gets the location of the page making the request:
getLocationOfOriginatingWindow: function (httpChannel) {
try {
var notificationCallbacks;
if (httpChannel.notificationCallbacks) {
notificationCallbacks = httpChannel.notificationCallbacks;
else if (httpChannel.loadGroup && httpChannel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks) {
notificationCallbacks = httpChannel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks;
else {
return null;
return notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow).top.location;
catch (e) {
DEBUG("Exception getting Window Location: " + e + "\nChannel URI: " + httpChannel.URI.spec);
return null;
I would also like to get the page element that made the request (img, script etc.). Is there a way to do the from the httpChannel?
There's no specific way to tell what made the request from the HTTP observer, since there are so many different ways of triggering requests, such as a CSS background image rollover. You could try attacking the problem from the content policy end, which I believe gives you more information.