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CircularBuffer with template is ambiguous error on Keil MDK5?

I have built a mbed project with online ARMCC compiler, which has no complaints at all. After exporting projects to offline Keil MDK5. I got following complaints. Please advice if anyone knows how to remove/correct such issue.

SerialInterfaceProtocol/SerialInterfaceProtocol.h(16): error:  #266: "CircularBuffer" is ambiguous
  typedef CircularBuffer<uint8_t> SerialBuffer_t;

AlohaTransceiver/AlohaTransceiver.h(178): error:  #266: "CircularBuffer" is ambiguous
  CircularBuffer<AlohaFrame *> AlohaTxQueue;

AlohaTransceiver/AlohaTransceiver.cpp(44): error:  #266: "CircularBuffer" is ambiguous
  CircularBuffer<AlohaFrame *> AlohaRxQueue(10);

main.cpp(12): error:  #266: "CircularBuffer" is ambiguous
  CircularBuffer<uint8_t> SerialInputBuffer(128);

main.cpp(13): error:  #266: "CircularBuffer" is ambiguous
  CircularBuffer<uint8_t> SerialOutputBuffer(128);

I know CircularBuffer seems ambiguous if it has differenet types, but CircularBuffer is defined as a template, which should be used for different types? And online compiler passed, but MDK5 didn't, is there any compiler options should be enabled ?

The CircularBuffer is defined in RingBuffer.h



#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

template <typename T>
class CircularBuffer
    const size_t buffer_size;
    size_t read_ptr;
    size_t write_ptr;
    size_t count;

    // mutex lock
    bool mux; 

    // overflow
    bool is_over_flow;

    // container
    T *data;

    CircularBuffer(const size_t size=DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SZ);

    // psudo mutex
    bool isLocked();
    void lock();
    void unlock();

    // enqueue and dequeue
    void enqueue(T in);
    T dequeue();

    // pointer operation
    size_t getReadPtr();
    size_t getWritePtr();
    size_t getCounter();

    // overflow
    bool getOverFlow();
    void clearOverFlow();

    // operation
    T first();
    T last();

    // random access
    T operator[](size_t idx);



  • There are two CircularBuffer in the project, one is in mbed OS, the other is in user code. Merge them, or rename one of them.